Monday, January 3, 2011

Salt Water Ich or White Spot Disease

Salt water Ich is one of the most common diseases found in the aquarium.  Saltwater Ich or Cyrptocaryon is a parasite that attaches itself to the skin of the fish.  Ich is present in most aquariums at all times.  Healthy fish can fight off the parasites with no problem. 

Signs of Salt Water Ich are salt like crystals on the skin of the fish.  Other signs include brushing up against rocks, heavy breathing, and lost of appetite.
Ich is a stressed induced disease.  The most common cause of Ich is temperature fluxuation and water quality.  One of the first things you should do is make sure your aquarium temperature stays the same through out the day.  Also, you should never have your aquarium by a window.  Any sudden drop in temperature will cause your fish to get Ich.

In fish only systems you can use Copper or Ich Cure for Saltwater Ich.  But I recommend raising the aquariums temperature to 82 F (this speeds up the Ich cycle) and using a garlic supplement.  The garlic supplement is reef friendly where Copper and Ich Cure will kill invertebrates.  Also make sure you check water quality, temperature fluxuation, and make sure your aquarium has a grounding probe.

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