Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chemi-Pure more than just aquarium carbon. Review

Chemi-Pure is a nylon filter bag filled with a high grade blend of activated carbons and ion exchange resins. The activated carbons filter particulates and waste while the ion exchange resins help remove nitrogen (ammonia and nitrate) build up which is harmful to your fish. Chemi-Pure also stabilizes water chemistry while keeping your pH levels perfectly constant.

I prefer Chemi-Pure over regular carbon because it last four times as long and it helps stabilize pH levels.  You should replace the Chemi-Pure depending on how many fish/corals you have in your aquarium.  If your aquarium is crowded than you should be replacing your Chemi-Pure sooner than someone with less of a bio load.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kent Marine Lugol's Solution Iodide

Kent Marine Lugol's Solution provides a strong source of free iodine and iodide to reef inhabitants and macroalgae.  Aquarium systems containing xenia and soft corals benefit the most from the use of Lugol's Solution.

Overdosing Iodine can have serious consequences on your tank, as it is both a strong oxidant as well as bacteriocidal. In other words, if you add too much iodine, you can wipe out your tank.

There are many Iodide products on the market today but I have had the most success with Kents Lugols Solution in my soft coral reef aquariums.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Help with Aquarium Algae

Has your aquarium ever looked like the picture above?  I want to go over several common reasons your aquarium would be over run with algae.  First off algae is a type of plant.  What makes a plant grow? The answer is fertilizer and sun light.  In the case of your aquarium the fertilizer would be high Nitrates and Phosphates.

Nitrates can come from over feeding your fish, poor aquarium filtration, and not doing proper aquarium maintenance.  If you are having algae problems you should have a water test done for Nitrates and Phosphates..

Sun light can come from the aquarium being located too close to a window or leaving the aquarium lights on too long.  If you have a fish only system.  I recommend only having the aquarium lights on when you are home and viewing your fish.  Cutting down on the light will reduce the amount of algae your aquarium receives.

So to help prevent algae blooms you must keep up on your aquarium maintenance, cut back on aquarium lighting when you can, and have your water tested for Nitrates and Phosphates.